The Day I Can't See You

This morning when I woke up, you know what is the first thing I wish to do? I wish to see you. But I know today I can’t see you because it’s Saturday. When I saw the message you sent I was very happy, at least you also think of me although you’re in school.

Actually my mood for today is not so well. I’m having sore throat, flu and a lot of wok waiting for me to do. I feel pressure on it but I still have you. I don’t know how I feel today actually, I didn’t see you and didn’t have mood to do anything, just wish to sleep for whole day. And I just want to say that I’ll take care of myself very well, I won’t let myself sick, because you threat me too good.

I think I’ve no chance for me to find another girl, because suddenly I really feel that you are a very important person in my life, you’re always reading my mind, many things I didn’t say it with my mouth but you know, you know what I am thinking. I can’t lose you! I love you babie!

By WK Aug 09''

A Day After My Birthday

Many people come and told me that you're very cute, and some keep on asking me to cherish you very good. And I know clearly that they know you well. You know how the people don't know you said? They said you're not preety and so on very rubbish things, but I didn't say anything. Cause in my heart, you're the best! And maybe I can shoot back them "Did you all have a such so good girlfriend?" I know I'm so lucky and happy to have such a wonderful and excellent girlfriend. They don't know it...

And one more thing I must tell you, that's what you've asked me just know, when you pass the hall you observed many peoples at third floor loking at you. That's because yesterday someone in my bus who also study in 3A6 know that you gave me a present, that lousy guy go and find out and finally the whole class thought that he likes you... So, there is many peoples looking at you. I'm so sorry for sometimes my friends are so busy body and childish to do such things, I know you won't be angry.

You know why I didn't write a blog yesterday? Cause I was going to sleep early as what I promised.

Lives are for living I live for you,
Dreams are for dream I dream of you,
Hearts are for beating mine beats for you,
Angels for keeping,
And you are for loving!

By WK Aug 09''