UNIVERSITI Sains Malaysia (USM) recently had an unexpected visitor to its Durian Valley in its Penang campus — the elusive Malayan Night Heron. USM Biological Sciences lecturer and bird specialist Mohamed Hifni Baharuddin said the sighting of the night heron (Gorsachius melanolophus) was a pleasant surprise to USM, as the nocturnal bird is a rare vagrant species. “This bird is by nature solitary, shy, skittish and rarely seen. It roosts in dense vegetation by day and feeds on small vertebrates and invertebrates at dusk. “The Asian Waterbirds Sensor Committee stated that sightings of this species are uncommon but the bird was last spotted in Templar Park north of Kuala Lumpur last year,” he said yesterday at USM. The adult night heron grows to 48cm high and has a stocky appearance. It has a short stubby bill, bright rufous neck and breast, a whitish chin with a blackish streak running down to its breast, and black wings. The medium-size heron, also called the Tiger Bittern, is known to breed in India, Taiwan and Southern China. It travels across South-East Asia and prefers swampy areas, streams, secondary growth, and forests. Mohamed Hifni, who is also the school’s environmental and aquatic biology programme chairman, said the valley provided a safe and green environment that was suitable for the bird. “USM will get this discovery included into the world map of bird sightings. “This is important, as some bird experts had wanted ‘Malayan’ dropped from the species’s name since the bird is rarely seen in Malaysia,” he said. Mohamed Hifni also said USM had recorded the sightings of 114 bird species at the campus since the mid-1980s. “We had eight latest sightings. Apart from the night heron, there were the yellow-crowned Weaver, the black-beaked Little Egret, the thick-billed pigeon and the hawk cuckoo. “The birds seen here are from different varieties that frequent forest, mangrove, coastal and garden areas. This means the Durian Valley is very popular with seasonal and non-seasonal visitors,” he said. The Durian Valley, which is located near USM’s Tuanku Fauziah Museum and Gallery, has also been earmarked for USM’s new Eco-Park project. Pharmacy lecturer Assoc Prof Saad Othman said the project covering about 40,000 sq m of valley land, would have a fruit orchard and a domestic vegetation corridor. “It is our hope that in future, pharmacy students can conduct herbal medicine studies using the plants here,” he said. The site for the park was previously neglected until a recent intensive cleanup by the university and a group of volunteers called Eco-Friends. It is currently in the rehabilitation process. Assoc Prof Saad said the park would not materialise so soon but in the meantime, there were plans to start some environmental programmes such as fun workshops for the public in July. “The workshops for adults and children will involve simple lessons related to the environment and plants. They can learn things such as how to use plants to make food items like syrup. “We also want to try out the Eco-Kids programme with USM staff members and students’ children,” he said. Earlier at a press conference at the USM Eco-Hub, vice-chancellor Tan Sri Prof Dzulkifli Abdul Razak said that the university, as a Garden University, had allocations for new environmental programmes. “We are also planning to have an eco-trail, which covers the valley, the Eco-Hub and the heri-tage buildings nearby, and recover a small piece of wetlands for the park. “Two buildings nearby will also be converted into a gallery-cum-museum for academic activities and environmental awareness programmes,” he said. USM also received over 100 trees worth RM20,000 from the state Forestry Department for the valley. Get from The Star 21 Feb 09''
A Reader’s Digest Asia article in December 2007 explored the noise epidemic in various public places in the cities of Asia: Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Hong Kong and Bangkok. Tests carried out from diners to railway stations, shopping malls to schoolyards reveal that almost all of us in these cities live, work and play surrounded by noise loud enough to cause hearing loss. A suburban train in Kuala Lumpur was found to generate noise reaching 115dBA (well above the WHO safe limit of 70dBA) when it leaves the platform, and “the combination of squealing train tracks and howling wind tunnels make the 20-minute train ride felt like sitting inside a jet engine”. While many noise-induced hearing loss prevention programmes and legislation has been in place, they are often poorly implemented and enforced. If you already have hearing loss, it is more important for you to preserve what’s left of your hearing. These are some of the ways you could shield your ears from further assault, normal hearing or otherwise: 1. Try to stay away from places that are loud and noisy. 2. Limit your exposure to loud noise if you can’t avoid it. 3. Protective earmuffs come in handy especially when you are exposed to loud noise for long periods of time. Some earmuffs have amplification circuits that may help people with hearing impairment communicate better in noisy backgrounds. 4. Try not to “treat” your ears to loud music through your earphones on iPods or mp3 players. 5. If you use equipment that generate loud noise (jackhammers, drills, and yes, your hairdryer), choose quieter equipment or wear protective equipment when you are using it. 6. Seek treatment for ear infections and get your ears checked frequently if you are exposed to any of the risk factors of hearing loss. Get from The Star 15 FEB
相信大家都知道今年一月一日,政府以乘客安全為出發點强制后座乘客系上安全带,正式实施!有关传票罚款为300令吉。一些旧款的汽车后座没有安全带,政府又突然间说要强制后座乘客系上安全带,在经济不景气的当儿,安装费对某些人来讲简直是雪上加霜!如果要车主去安装,对他们来说,就要花一笔费用。别忘了,那些至今还驾着十多年前旧非国产车的车主,大多是中下层阶级人士,在经济不景气的当儿,对他们来说,安装费无疑是雪上加霜。驾旧车者大有人在,赶在实施前去装全安带,不只要花钱, 还要花时间,令人烦不胜烦。不装的话,又怕被触犯交通规则,被罚款,这300令吉对他们来说可不是小事情,这可能已经是他们一家大小一个星期的日常费用!
By WK 09''