What to Say?!

Anymore to say? I don't think so. I know something happened and I lazy to write it out. Holidays makes my hand heavy, lazy type and lazy write. But my leg is lighter cause almost everyday without rain, I'll go out for football, with the black human. It's always the black one team and white one team. And sometimes feel bored play with them, cause they are bad temper, easy angry and sometimes play tough when they lose.

I just want to go some where for a relax, with friends, but don't want the group cause it looks not very nice if go with a group of monkeys. But I haven't take decision, weather stay  here or KL. If I go for KL, I think a few hundreds is not enough for me, stay here I always walk around my house, looking for this and that, change the decoration. Sick of it!

The Hong Kong, Taiwan and American tv series are always wasting time doing the thing that not important, make me want to fast forward when watch it. Creative-less! Game? What games that I've played? Uncountable and all lousy, can't find a game that really creative that not like the rubbish game that always leveling, fighting and doing all the useless thing.

By WK Nov 09''