


讲个故事来听,“ONCE UPON A TIME,一个国王听了一个宰相说最近他国家有不少来自外国的算命师,他们都知道人类未来会发生的事情,于是国王就下令请算命师到皇宫去为他算命。就在那时候算命师告诉国王不久后国家会占领其他靠近该国的国家。果然不久后他们打胜仗而且占领了几个国家的领土。经过这件事国王就迷信算命并用了国家的一大笔钱来请了许多算命师来。过后,有一个国王非常相信的算命师竟然告诉他当年年龄五岁左右的王子长大后会杀死国王以抢走王位。国王听信了那个算命师讲的话,之后王后死了,国王对那个王子的态度也变了,做错一点点事情就命人鞭打他,然而国王对大儿子非常疼爱,造成小儿子性情暴力,非常痛恨他的父王和他的哥哥。他长大后,果然因为忍无可忍杀死了国王,那是被他哥哥看见了,他也掐死了他哥哥,为了灭口他告诉人名国王与他哥哥死了所以国王由他接任。为了灭口不让人民知道他杀死了国王与他哥哥,当时看见他行凶的太监、宫女和兵士都满门抄斩。”


There's some ass hole has nothing to do with his/her e-mail address, they like to write some damn message and foward to all his friends. There's some example, such as after see the message you must foward to many friends otherwise your whole family'll die, house come some ghost, girlfriend run, family gone or more and more rubbish thing will happen. The ass hole has wrote that what'll happen if you haven't foward because they want to let many people get that message and know some shit news, such as the MSN company's workers will be make your account as gold member, otherwise your account will be deleted by the MSN company's workers. There's also some news about the food and drink about some company has dirty thing inside the cover, there such bull shit must wrotten by the "noob" workers that has been "goreng" by the boss and want to make the company bankrap so write some message to foward and let many people know that the xx company's product is poison or dirty.

A wise internet player should have to know that that is a rubbish and won't be real, there's too many stupids always foward such bull shit message to me, i act you as my friends you want me whole family die just because I didn't foward a small small damn message?

The wise players should stop foward the bull shit, these pollution is just because some ass hole has nothing to do and wrote it! Sometimes I'm very angry with the message, you're my friends also send such message to me? SAD! 

So now, stop the pollution in e-mail, the e-mail serveice is just to make us easy in our life for example send document to other or let us share some entertainment with our friends, but not to broke the friendship between us and our friends. STOP the pollution!

If I really write wrong about the stupids that foward such rubbish message u can e-mail me in "wk11@live.com.my" to scold me or whatever you want to do. Hope think twice before do something.