After Exam

It's been so long I didn't touch this thing, I've been busy of what you all did so. It's just over, maybe we can have a short rest, and have a new start next year! It's all different next year... Stop worrying about it! Enjoy as much as you can now.

In these time, I've been tried my best to remember as much as I can about the exam, study and memories about something that useless, useful for long life and just useful for a short time. While studying history of Malaysia I realized that it doesn't so simple of it, it might be a very complex about the past politic just like now, they are always fighting just like a kid, just 2 small children grabbing a sweet but they are grabbing a chair, a chair that not easily can be sit.

A few nights just before the exam I've dreamed about the exam about something nonsense that might not be happen and something that was considered garbage. Some feel like every night I have a lot of things want to post here, want to share it with all my friends, but I'm lazy.

Today I feel like my body are lighter, maybe my brain cells has worn out a lot, maybe I eat less in these days or I put down something that was very heavy in my heart. It' time to enjoy myself now, but I must limit myself, excess of entertainment causes you've no mood to study on next year and I've promise myself to control myself from playing the lousy online games. Maybe I must find something that's useful to my life in the soon holidays, I mustn't waste it just like last year with just some childish activities.

Just know when I bath I think of a lot of thing that I wish to write here but now my brain become blank which just filled with these few words. If I think of it I'll write it down, my brain tissue really damaged with my sleepless night.

By WK Oct 09''