A Horror Story in a Dream

It's been very long I didn't log in this blog, maybe because the days are boring and nothing special to write about it, it isn't a meaning to write about what have I eat and how long tv that I've watched, but maybe how long that I sleep for a day you'll interested, weekdays about 8 hours with 3 hours in afternoon and 5 hours at night or maybe less than that, and Sunday.... It must be very long and that's why I'm very powerful at now and not feeling sleepy at all. I sleep from 12am until next morning 9am and afternoon 2pm until 5pm and again 8pm until 930pm, a question come, how can I sleep so long for a day, I want to know the reason also. How many hours I'm lazy to count of it!

Ans it might be an interesting dream to share for the long sleeping time. I don't know started from where and when and what incident. I dreamed about an interesting detective story, I know it is! But I've forgotten so much of the things that happened in my dream. I just say what I remember.

I walked along a road, don't know where was it, and few minutes later I saw a big movie screen in front there, and many of my friends were sat there watching, and my teachers also, a few hundreds of peoples were there. I looked at the screen. It was a movie, two language used in the movie, English and Japanese. When I looked at the screen, I saw a strong man holding a knife who look quiet like an antagonist with the pair of evil eyes just like Professor Snape in the story Harry Potter, chasing an old man was small body size and with pajamas. The man with the muscular body said "You don't need to run anymore... Are you think you can run faster than me?" The old man felt down and that muscular guy stop running, he walked faster to follow that old man because the old man was crawl like a tortoise on the path at the oil palm plantation farm.

"Please! Young guy! Please!" old man barked. "You've know something that you shouldn't know about it!" Evil guy said that with a sinister smile. He used his sharp knife to pierce the old man, and that old man shouted very loud as the oil palm were shaking. That guy cut the old man throat and pull out his esophagus, and than he opened the old man's stomach by tear out his skin and get his intestine out, his face told me that he was finding something that very important, and when he pulled out the old man's large intestine, a piece of small rock fall from the large intestine with some faeces and his hand full of blood. He got it and keep in a plastic he prepared and put it into his pocket.

The corpse is than kicked by the muscular guy with his powerful leg into a deep swamp. He returned to his office after that. He observed that piece of rock that taken from the old man's intestine with a magnifier, smiling with himself just like got something he desired for a long time. The story come to the blur part that I've forgotten and just remembered that there was a detective followed the case, it was long story just like the story of Da Vince Code but it was different. The detective was than kill the muscular man with a gun he bought from the gang of Japan, and he was scared for all the time... The story is about like that, it might be an interesting movie if it shown on cinema, but the scene of the old man being killed was too fear.

By WK Oct 09''