Busy but Happy

Yesterday, I haven't open my computer until 11pm I touch my computer for 5 minutes, checking mails, searching for the main news.... but nothing special. I have study contineuosly 6 hours until my back and neck very pain going to become a plant. Fortunately today exam, if not I'm going to swallow my book without you.

This morning when I see you, I pretent not to see you, I know you'll come and give me a shock so I can have some warm. Finally the things I expected happened, you hold my back happily and your happiness and warm transfered into my blood don't know through which part of body, I searh for encyclopedia but can't find out how is the warm and happiness is transfered. You know? When you hold me I fell that the world are suddenly become bigger and bigger, my life suddenlly full of happiness, the bored feeling that trapped in my heart for one week has released into the atmosphere and make me want to kiss you and tell the world you're mine.

I want to answer you that "me too, very happy!" Really can't describe what I feel in my heart now and just know in school also, I feel like very warm the feeling when you're in my embrace and you hold my hands. The ink you've wrote on my hands haven't gone out, but I think it'll gone on tomorror morning. Nevermind, you're always here. Je't aime.

By WK Sept 09''


Babi3 said...

aiyoyo...we really have the same heart de lor~

you know,my heartbeat was vry vry faz that morning and then i went out for a walk~
when i step in the classroom,i look at ur place,i can't see you~then i look at ziyang's place,can't see you again~i look through the whole class,still cannot find you~
i told guey chieng:"he's not in here"
guey chieng answer:"got ar!na~there!"
i look to the place she point to me,still cannot see ur face..then i thought guey chieng saw wrong people~
i walk to the back and peiying told me:"cc,ur wk ar~"
i said:"where?i din see tiok pun"
she point kah hui,
i said:"this is kah hui,not wk"
she said:"beside kah hui la!!"
i step back a bit,finally i saw you~
i laugh until i bent my knee..so unbelieveable,u are not in my sight!hahahaha...dun mad ya!

you know,i plan to hug you from front~but since you are sitting so...hahahah~~i also feel very warm and glad this 2 days~i wish that everyday we can like tat..sit together chating,loving,smiling~hiak..hiak..
ok la~very long jor!if i continue write then will be very罗嗦。。
lov you^^
