What Have I Done??

holidays....for you,it's fun,relax and happy.but for me,it's just a waste....

from the day the raya holidays start,i told myself:"cc,it's a chance for you,you should put urself in the book everyday and read them from the sun rise until the moon shine."but,what have i done so far?

everyday i open my eyes,i chat with my dear,take my breakfast and so on.when i open my books and i start to study,i don't know what on earth i am studying..after i close my book,i ask myself:"cc,what you gain from that book?"my answer is:"i have no idea.."

one thing i got to know now is,how are they?are they fine?i have worried for few days..he saw the comment that she give me,he feel scare..i think..and i know.i know how he feel.they just confess to each other,i don't hope that they so fast quarrel just because of me.i don't feel angry to him anymore,i just...i also don't know.i really hope that i am not a hinder between them..

anyway,holidays will be end in two days..if not,i will die soon.i really miss him.my dear..i really totally super duper hyper miss you...i think you know that feeling,i already can';t control it.beside,i also miss my friend..who always cheer me up,support me and sayang me^^
dear...i miss you and more important....i love you~
nothing on earth could come between you and me as long as you love me and i love you^^

By~Babi3 '09


WK said...

I think u better stop it. If like that your result will also "no idea".

I study vry much in this holidays, all bout English, other subject just a little bit. Mayb start others later on, and mayb I won't go for school for few days. I won't let myself defeated by LOVE. I think you'll sure won't right?!

By WK Sept 09''