Au fil du temps,
Je me rends bien une chose,
c'est ...
Je ne peux pas vivre sans toi dans ma vie.


As time goes by, I realize a thing, that's... I can't live without you in my life.

Last time I wasn't like that, you know? Today I felt very unusual to sit there without you, even another people talked with me there I still felt very unusual cause I didn't hear your voice, I didn't see your face.

Today I brought phone to school was just because I knew that when I missed you very much, I I still can comunicate with you in school. And I really want to see your face. Just one day in school I didn't see you make me felt like this, I can't imagine how will I when I didn't see you for the holidays on next week.

I'm going to have a rest now, really no mood to study now. Maybe later when I have my mood I'l study, don't worry!!

Tell you something, if the god give me to choose a speacial power or skill, I'm going to tell him I want to let you see through my eyes, you know why??
I want to show you that how special are you to me through my eyes.

By WK Aug 09''


Anonymous said...

i know you will be like that when i make the decision not to go school.

you know the situation of the one at home?
wake up>see phone>smile~
breakfast>sms>annoying(cuz you din reply me)
study>see phone>throw book>do nothing
then you call know how happy i m when you call me?

actually,the god hd gave you the power and i got it.but that is not the power that "you can show how special i m to me through your eayes".instead,it is a skill that "i can read your heart through your eyes"~
hiak hiak...cheer up!

typed by =》 the one typing

WK said...

Sorry yar...
I didn't reply you cause teacher have asked me not to play the object that contain radioactive in class...

And also when I called you, a busy body sitting beside me and put his hear near to my phone to listen what did you and I said...

if the god gave us the power that we can connect to each other when exam is good. Than we no need to put so much effort on exam...
but it's impossible....
cause it's unfair to others.

typed by =》the one always thinking of you