Midnight Already

Yesterday (2/6) is her birthday, curent time 0030 so now is consider 3/6. Actually i just have the kind of feeling when look at her, the kind of feeling is difficult to describe by language. That's only to say, I love her, but it's holidays now, I rarely meeet her but I always dreame of she. She is going to be my oxegen soon. Arh!!!!!!!!!!!! But i think she's bringing benefits to me because her result is better than me, and I'm trying to improve myself so that same level with her or even higher to balance it.

I viewed her space, and she wrote about a human, she said that she sad because of that human. She felt disappointed about him cause..... haizzz. If I keep on writting lik this every day, few years later I can written a novel. I chat with her until midnight, not feeling asleep, is that the power of love. My English is not as good as her one, so the things I write here not so well as her one.

Haha.... feel my life full of happiness!!!

There are a lot of birds whispering about you, you should once listen to them and than you would know how much I LOVE YOU!

By WK June 09''