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Got Palmbux Got Money!

Even it's not much you can earn but at least it's a large amount of money for a long time. 

USD 0.02 per advertisement and 1 day you'll have 5 to 6 advertisement to click. spent 3 minutes for a day and u get twelve cents USD. According to 14 Dec 2009, time GMT +0800: 0154, USD1 = RM3.402. Means you can earn about 41 cents per day without any referrals. 1 week you can get RM2.80, how about 1 month and one year? If you with referrals? You can earn more than USD1 per day, depends on how smart are you

Let's get it start! Palmbux! Make your pocket full! 

Advertisement by WK Dec 09''
Powered by Palmbux! Make your pocket full!

What to Say?!

Anymore to say? I don't think so. I know something happened and I lazy to write it out. Holidays makes my hand heavy, lazy type and lazy write. But my leg is lighter cause almost everyday without rain, I'll go out for football, with the black human. It's always the black one team and white one team. And sometimes feel bored play with them, cause they are bad temper, easy angry and sometimes play tough when they lose.

I just want to go some where for a relax, with friends, but don't want the group cause it looks not very nice if go with a group of monkeys. But I haven't take decision, weather stay  here or KL. If I go for KL, I think a few hundreds is not enough for me, stay here I always walk around my house, looking for this and that, change the decoration. Sick of it!

The Hong Kong, Taiwan and American tv series are always wasting time doing the thing that not important, make me want to fast forward when watch it. Creative-less! Game? What games that I've played? Uncountable and all lousy, can't find a game that really creative that not like the rubbish game that always leveling, fighting and doing all the useless thing.

By WK Nov 09''

Restaurant City coin for sale!

Facebook game, Restaurant city coin for sale here!
10,000 coin for Ringgit Malaysia 1.00
120,000 coins for Ringgit Malaysia 10.00

Contact me if want with item list!
(still have about 1,000,000 in stock)

Power leveling also available here!
100% legel without hack and cheats!
40,000 Point for RM 1.00.

Pay by Maxis, Hotlink or cash.

A Horror Story in a Dream

It's been very long I didn't log in this blog, maybe because the days are boring and nothing special to write about it, it isn't a meaning to write about what have I eat and how long tv that I've watched, but maybe how long that I sleep for a day you'll interested, weekdays about 8 hours with 3 hours in afternoon and 5 hours at night or maybe less than that, and Sunday.... It must be very long and that's why I'm very powerful at now and not feeling sleepy at all. I sleep from 12am until next morning 9am and afternoon 2pm until 5pm and again 8pm until 930pm, a question come, how can I sleep so long for a day, I want to know the reason also. How many hours I'm lazy to count of it!

Ans it might be an interesting dream to share for the long sleeping time. I don't know started from where and when and what incident. I dreamed about an interesting detective story, I know it is! But I've forgotten so much of the things that happened in my dream. I just say what I remember.

I walked along a road, don't know where was it, and few minutes later I saw a big movie screen in front there, and many of my friends were sat there watching, and my teachers also, a few hundreds of peoples were there. I looked at the screen. It was a movie, two language used in the movie, English and Japanese. When I looked at the screen, I saw a strong man holding a knife who look quiet like an antagonist with the pair of evil eyes just like Professor Snape in the story Harry Potter, chasing an old man was small body size and with pajamas. The man with the muscular body said "You don't need to run anymore... Are you think you can run faster than me?" The old man felt down and that muscular guy stop running, he walked faster to follow that old man because the old man was crawl like a tortoise on the path at the oil palm plantation farm.

"Please! Young guy! Please!" old man barked. "You've know something that you shouldn't know about it!" Evil guy said that with a sinister smile. He used his sharp knife to pierce the old man, and that old man shouted very loud as the oil palm were shaking. That guy cut the old man throat and pull out his esophagus, and than he opened the old man's stomach by tear out his skin and get his intestine out, his face told me that he was finding something that very important, and when he pulled out the old man's large intestine, a piece of small rock fall from the large intestine with some faeces and his hand full of blood. He got it and keep in a plastic he prepared and put it into his pocket.

The corpse is than kicked by the muscular guy with his powerful leg into a deep swamp. He returned to his office after that. He observed that piece of rock that taken from the old man's intestine with a magnifier, smiling with himself just like got something he desired for a long time. The story come to the blur part that I've forgotten and just remembered that there was a detective followed the case, it was long story just like the story of Da Vince Code but it was different. The detective was than kill the muscular man with a gun he bought from the gang of Japan, and he was scared for all the time... The story is about like that, it might be an interesting movie if it shown on cinema, but the scene of the old man being killed was too fear.

By WK Oct 09''

Cute (you may sweat)

A cute ancestor leave a cute offspring
a cute grandma and grandpa feed their cute daughter and son
one day the cute lady met the cute gentleman
they start their cute love
and yet they hold a cute wedding
they live in a cute town
a cute babie was born in a cute hospital
the cute babie start her cute life in a cute date
the cute babie grow up and study in a cute primary school
the cute babie got a cute result so she continue study in a cute secondary school
the cute babie met someone cute when she's 15 years old
both cute people show their love affection and yet they were in love
oh gosh!
they are still in a cute age
how about the cute parents?
luckily,the cute god make the cute parents noded their head on their love
they then create their own cute "TITANIC"
this is how their cute love is giong on
want to know sommore cute things?
stay tuned at 《Babie Cute Channel》!!

By~babi3 '09

Twelve in the Midnight

Twelve in the midnight, it consider very early before the exam. Still can go for four hours at that time, until the next morning, my brain tired only I'll stopped studying. Every second cost unlimited Ringgit Malaysia, hold it tight and study for most of the time, entertainment are less than 5% of a day in the week before PMR. 

Twelve in the midnight, it should be tired but why shouldn't I? I'm very clear-headed now, feel like want to write something, my hand is uncomfortable without pressing the key of keyboard. It cursed me, the key board! Now, most of the time of a day, over 90% included sleeping is all for fun and for relax. I really must find something to do in these days otherwise I'll regret not to use it wisely, time isn't gold, because gold is valuable but time isn't.

A silent night, and here come a feeling to read something, I want something read. Yea! The novel! The Half-Blood Prince, have just bought it and I think I'll finished reading within a month because I'm free for all the time. Sometimes I'm asking to the sky that, is there all the thing that I've read hard before this forgotten? Is there still in my head or slipped silently without my awareness? All about the science, maths and of course the language subject.

Not tired at all! My god! So? Now it's the time to read...

By WK OCT 19''

Money Printer

His dad is mad for his annoying business which earn only a little if compare with others. “The rubbish customers always don’t want to pay for it! What should I eat?” he scolded softly that no one can hear.

And he came out from his room.

“Dad, I know you’re the best father in the world can you bring me to the Popular Bookstore to buy the novel that I’ve craving for few months before exam?” He asked politely to his dad.

“Are you crazy?! You’ve just finish your exam and wanted to buy this and that, you’ve just asked me to buy the TV series DVD for you! And now you wan for a novel that cost 80 dollars, you though your dad printing cash notes?”

“I’ve finish watching the series I was bored in home nothing for me to do!” He said it loud to his dad.

“3 days you’ve finish watching the 20 episodes series! Great! Good! If you wanted to buy go and buy yourself, I didn’t have enough money for you to buy the garbage and store in your room!” 

He mumbled “He son of the bitch! My sister can buy whatever she wanted that’s expansive but why I can’t? Is her results better than me?”

“What you said? Say it louder!”

“Pam!” He shut the door with showing his anger, than he lied on his bed thinking of his mum with the ruffle in his mind. He started to think about his future.

“Fuck off! When I grow up, I won’t waste my time talk with my dad every day, they didn’t spent time on me, I will do exactly the same at the future to him. I will give him the enough money for eat! That’s all for his future! He will be disappointed with his son after 10 years!”

He didn’t know what should he do, he was too boring to stay at home. And he received a call from his friend who asked him to go out for playing basketball. He walked out his room and opened the main door.

“Where are you going?” His dad asked.

“Not your business at all!”

“What is this attitude? You better don’t come back tonight!”

“Ok I do what you wish!” He answered his dad.

“Hey! Hey!” His dad shouted. “Shit!” “I’m really a bad daddy.” He said it softly with his sadness.

Written by WK Oct 19''
Small part of the story

My Boring Day

I woke up early in the morning and sleep again. because I don't know what to do. When I woke up again at 12pm, I found my downstairs hall is as dirty as rubbish dump. Maybe I have to thank my cousin that make it dirty, I've found something to do today! 

I've used about 1 and a half hours to clean it. When my mum came down she said that I'm preparing for New Year. I think yea, maybe. Cause I have nothing to do. And I wrote some story, with my imagination, maybe can publish it at next year school Chinese Literature, but I've to translate it, cause I wrote it in English. But sometimes when I didn't do anything, I really wish to see her, but it's not a good idea, I can't made it.

And here comes a angry but funny incident. Someone who was know as a childish people make a trip to Queensbay, Penang which must have enough people to prevent loss of cash. A 40 peoples trip go with bus. The date has changed and changed and finally I don't know when the hell is it.Maybe I think that he is very childish but I control myself not going to quarrel with him, it doesn't make any benefits. He keep on asking me whether I want to go there. 

Yea, I know maybe I'm his friend in his mind, a friend that always make him angry. A friend that always laugh at him , satire and always pour cold water on him. But I'm always kidding with him, he's not think that I'm kidding, he always be serious and think that I'm a bad guy. And I can't change his mind that I'm a bad human. Nothing I can do with it I know, maybe that's better, I know he always say my bad words behind me. It's not a sting for me because the real friend of mine know that I'm not the one. Just to say that it's been so long he is not the friend of mine, I can't accept a such ass hole that might make me mad keep in my head.

But why he always come and make me angry? Tell me why? Few months ago, I know some of my words make him very angry while he is get in the trouble of the lousy trip. How many trip does he did, any successful trip? Last time I'm not feeling that I don't want give him a chance, don't wanna support him, is because the lousy bus make me feel childish, and now the first time I don't want to go because I have something to do, but the second time I refuse him is because he is really damn annoying. You have not the capability, please don't do it. A thin guy wear a XXL sized clothes is a funny thing. 

Please don't make me shout on you one day in the future. End ok?! And remember that I won't go and say any bad words behind of you even I don't think that you're friend of mine. If you want to did it, all of your business. I know maybe something happened at the past make you changed, a bad family background make you become such people, and maybe you not agree on it because you don't know it when you change. I observed it but I don't know whether my hypothesis is 100% correct, at least fifty out of hundred. Brain is fr thinking. 

And the last for my babie lion, I appreciate that my lion threat me so good, every time  she came when I boring. I really wish to see her now. No much to say because she is reading my mind, she knows what I'm feeling. The story that I read only can seen by her before I publish it out. What's the reason? Because I love her.

By WK Oct 09''

2 month past!

Maybe before the challenging exam I've carelessly neglected you and keep on study at all the time, no free time for me to entertain, no movie time for me. But now the entertainment time is the more until I scare of it, I've boring with this time, Life isn't like that, we have to relax but what did you mean by relax, sitting at home watching movie like that?! This call jail, a 5 star jail which bigger and many service has prepared such as computer, hand phone, basketball court and so on.

Just feel like want to have some benefits activities to my life but I'm not brave enough to touch online games, I scare I can't stop it, maybe writing here can use my time wisely or reading novels. 

While I feel that my life is full of the boring and the "noob" activities, I started to observe, I realize that my grandma is more boring than me, she's really nothing to do now. My grandpa was gone to sell duck eggs left my grandma. Everyday watch television and playing Magnum, Toto.  That's all her life, really sucks! At least we still have a target in our life now but she didn't, maybe her target has reached or maybe evaporated. 

Remember at everything we feel it's bad, it isn't the worst, someone's is worse than ours. Catch the fish while our sight is still good, don't wait until we old, only we carry our weak body and using the sucks eye to catch the fish.

By WK Oct 09''

without exam

after PMR,i feel that all along the way,i am living for PMR.
i wake up for it,i eat for it,i study for it and i sleep for it...
how i know it?
because right after exam,i feel boring to my life
i hope that another PMR is waiting for me
everyday i woke up,i just don't know what to do
holidays....i hate holidays!!
i cannot go school and i did nothing at home
if got school,
i still can chat with my friends or play with my dear~
instead..when i am at home....i am just a rubish!!
mum said:"just do what you wish to do when you were preparing your exam"
that time what i wish is i can watch tv like daddy and i can play computer like others who just finish UPSR.
now,i feel boring of it!i hope something more meaningful can be done.
but..what i have done so far?!
i am sick of my life now..
pls..i am lack of oxygen!find something for me to do!!

by~babi3 '09

After Exam

It's been so long I didn't touch this thing, I've been busy of what you all did so. It's just over, maybe we can have a short rest, and have a new start next year! It's all different next year... Stop worrying about it! Enjoy as much as you can now.

In these time, I've been tried my best to remember as much as I can about the exam, study and memories about something that useless, useful for long life and just useful for a short time. While studying history of Malaysia I realized that it doesn't so simple of it, it might be a very complex about the past politic just like now, they are always fighting just like a kid, just 2 small children grabbing a sweet but they are grabbing a chair, a chair that not easily can be sit.

A few nights just before the exam I've dreamed about the exam about something nonsense that might not be happen and something that was considered garbage. Some feel like every night I have a lot of things want to post here, want to share it with all my friends, but I'm lazy.

Today I feel like my body are lighter, maybe my brain cells has worn out a lot, maybe I eat less in these days or I put down something that was very heavy in my heart. It' time to enjoy myself now, but I must limit myself, excess of entertainment causes you've no mood to study on next year and I've promise myself to control myself from playing the lousy online games. Maybe I must find something that's useful to my life in the soon holidays, I mustn't waste it just like last year with just some childish activities.

Just know when I bath I think of a lot of thing that I wish to write here but now my brain become blank which just filled with these few words. If I think of it I'll write it down, my brain tissue really damaged with my sleepless night.

By WK Oct 09''


~~~ G









By WK Oct 09''

a day without you

A girl is sitting here with a heart
she is starring front but she don't know actually what she is looking at
the wind blows strongly while her heart's soul fly away with them
where her heart is going
it flies to its other part
the girl hold her souless heart
take her last breath
smoothly she say
"i need you"



Setting: WK's House, Bukit Mertajam

It was late in the night, engine of motorcycles was heard clearly outside, the security guard was patrolling around the residential carefully. The moon was clear in the sky with the accompany of cloud and stars. It was the best environment to sleep. After the motorcycle past the house, the night turned to be a silent night. 

"Tok!", a sound of open door heard from a house in the residential area, he was walking out his room, and his hand..... He was holding towel and his eyes looks very sharp, didn't look like the one who was just wake up from sleep. He entered the bath room but not toilet, bath? What was the time on that time? 3.30am! We better go and check whether he has any mental problem. 

Maybe the hot weather make him can't sleep at the night and wanted to take a bath, but his air-conditional was switched on. He was suffer from insomnia? He came out from the bath room and took out a geography text book, than he go to the study room. In his study room, a Rubik cubes was placed on the desk, he than started to solve it. 

Suddenly, he heard a girl's laughing sound outside the house, his inquisitive characteristic make him curious about it and walked near to the window and wanted to see what was happened there. In his mind there is no ghost in the world, just have the ghost in human's heart, but his heard were stolen. The heartless boy walked to the window and opened it, the laughing sound stop. 

Few second later "Wahahaha!" the laughing sound appeared again and getting louder and louder just like a speaker which the resistor had fault. He was very scare and his hair was standing. "Ah!" he heard a scream, it was horror! "Shit! I gonna kill the pirated DVD seller!" It was just a couch potato.

After that, he continued study his geography. "Why are you still studying in such a late night?" His cousin asked loudly and he shocked with it because his voice came suddenly.

"You shocked me, guy! Why don't you go and sleep? What are you doing here? Don't forget you have to go to school tomorrow! " 

"You ask me what am I doing? You should have to go also!" His cousin quarried him with a big question mark on his head.

"You go and sleep now! Don't care so much about me! ok?"

"Ok la!" he replied reluctantly.

He continued read for half hour and his eye was exhausted but his brain still very sober. He went to bed and closed his eyes. Since his brain was full of energy he started to think, to imagine.....

Selected from "Father's Love" by WK.
By WK Sept 09''

What Have I Done??

holidays....for you,it's fun,relax and happy.but for me,it's just a waste....

from the day the raya holidays start,i told myself:"cc,it's a chance for you,you should put urself in the book everyday and read them from the sun rise until the moon shine."but,what have i done so far?

everyday i open my eyes,i chat with my dear,take my breakfast and so on.when i open my books and i start to study,i don't know what on earth i am studying..after i close my book,i ask myself:"cc,what you gain from that book?"my answer is:"i have no idea.."

one thing i got to know now is,how are they?are they fine?i have worried for few days..he saw the comment that she give me,he feel scare..i think..and i know.i know how he feel.they just confess to each other,i don't hope that they so fast quarrel just because of me.i don't feel angry to him anymore,i just...i also don't know.i really hope that i am not a hinder between them..

anyway,holidays will be end in two days..if not,i will die soon.i really miss dear..i really totally super duper hyper miss you...i think you know that feeling,i already can';t control it.beside,i also miss my friend..who always cheer me up,support me and sayang me^^
dear...i miss you and more important....i love you~
nothing on earth could come between you and me as long as you love me and i love you^^

By~Babi3 '09

Boring Day

You told me that if I'm your alarm clock, than you'll die. Someone would asked why is that, the answer is the sky is too high. 

Yesterday I can't sleep again, maybe because of I spent too much time time for my nap yesterday. But before I go to bed I was very tired and can't bring out any effort to do anything, I just take a bath and lie down on my bed, but I don't know why there was always something float in my mind. About my exam, somethings else, and also about you! I keep on asking the reason of this phenomena happened but I can't find the answer. That's why I woke up late this morning.

Sometimes I really hope that the PMR is suddenly abolished but in the other hand, I know myself will reluctant for the abatement order because I have put so much effort on it to get a good results that my family hope, if the exam has been cancel, I'm sure there should be something make me not feeling well in my heart, just like something important you haven't do it and you hope to complete it as fast as you can. 

Sometimes my house was noisy for my sister and cousin's sound bu I still feel boring, cause what they played is not suitable for me, my entertainment is just the lousy and "noob" internet games that make me more bored in home, nothing fun with it, but sometimes I really don't know what to do and sit down there think of nonsense. The rubbish imagination will make me insane, so I should stop it.

Feel so sleepy now, where are you? Now is the turn I need you!

By WK Sept 09''

I Swear My Love to You

As you've with me so long, I'm sure you know that I always craving to be a globe-trotters, I wish to travel over the world together with you to forget all the vexation. I would like to emphasize again, is to travel together with you, not alone, is together with you. But can I give birth of money? Current examination results future money. That's why everyone must study hard for the future money.

In my past, I was a hurl verbal abuser, I still remember when I was in primary school, I always do something childish, some like to make people know that I'm present here. Now, I was regret what I've did, but I can't erase the others memory about what I've did now, I just can do something make others have a good impression on me. But I know sometimes I still will do something out of sort or make others angry.

Now I make up my mind to change myself better, I'll try my best. Not just to change my attitude to deal to others, it's also for you, the one special, that stolen my heart. I know sometimes make you disappointed about something I've did, so now I swear I'll threat you better. I'll never let you be frustrated about me and you'll never ever be bemoaned. I love you.

By WK Sept 09''

when i need you

the first day of the holidays,an unbelievable news come to my ears and my eyes.although we expected it very long time ago,but i stiil can't believe what has happen on he and she.

to be honest,i am glad when i hear this news.i laugh and laugh and laugh until my house gonna corrapt.i am so happy that she finally find the one she loves and the one who loves her.i hop he really love her instead of playing a fool.i hope they will feel that they are the most happiness lovers in the world just like me.

but,juz another day,something happen badly on me.these maybe will make our friendship fall.i am not convenient to say it here.only she will understand what i am saying.i hate him although he did that out of love.maybe my wrong, i can't accept the judgement.but he don't understand,that is the communication between she and I.he know nothing but he scold front of her and my dear through phone.he know nothing!don't he dare judge me!!maybe everyone include him can't catch what i am saying,but i wont mention it again after today and i won't let anyone know what is going on except for those special.maybe...~

dear,i am hurt,i need you...where are you?

+++the end+++


Tell Me What To Do

It last for few days, I feel like going to school totally wasting my time except for to accompany you, so I'm thinking whether I should go to school. I brought books to school, planning to read but finally I was sitting there with you and looking at the book. Read nothing! You know, the environment was really terrible for reading, I wish to stay at home until the day PMR, but I know I can't control myself if I do so.

I must see you everyday, just two days I can't see you, my mind is full of you. You asked me to help you take a registeration form from my tuition teacher, I didn't forget you know why, because my mind always full of you, I think of you tan I'll remember what you'd asked me to do for you. Every moment I think of you, even in the dream. I dreamed I go other country together with you, I dreamed a lot of you but can't remember it. Just know that everyday I wake up I wish to see you, I hope that every morning not my handphone alarm wake me up, the one I hope to wake me up is you! Tell me what should I do now! I know every mornig and night is the best hour to study. Afternoon is for sleep because the weather is going to boil my blood if I study.

I know I write blog isn't waste the time, it just need 15 minutes of my time to write a single blog, at least it's a chance to improve my languege, someone to give comment on my life, someone would tell me what I've wrong and sometimes it's a way to work off anger on something.

By WK Sept 09''



By WK Sept 09''

an usual but unforgetable birthday

in the class....i was very sleepy and i can't make a smile on my face or laugh as usual even today is my birthday.moody...moody...moody....add on you are not with me and the moody change into mmooooddyy......mmooooddyy......mmooooddyy......hahaha~i was thinking:i should sleep fast fast last nite then i won't be like this le..haiyor~

this morning,i open my mum's present and i saw a thing just like ipod but ipod don't have a camera.then my mum came in,she congrats me that i am standing at the top of the modern and i was confusing until she told me that it is a MP5~oh my know what i said to my mum?"ma'am,please wake me up,now!!i don't wwant to late for school~~"but i am happy for that although i got black and wet eyesTT.

before i saw the book,i was not happy at all.not because of being punished by mashi.i don't know the reason..i was sorry for any "inconvenient".but after that,my heart was joy again..hiak~~

i found that people who love me really like to make me mum,my sis,my frends and my dear..haha~i forgot i already cry for how many times but i am sure that they are not sad tears..BRAVO!!

anyway,thanks for everythings especially my best friend and the one who cheer me up..

***今天刚好满一个月啊!!!hahaha^^love you 99

by~l0v3 '09

Happy Birthday! Babie~

Joyeux anniversaire!


Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag

Buon compleanno


생일 축하합니다

Feliz aniversário

Grattis på födelsedagen


Today, 090909, wish you have your sweet birthday.... Actually just know I shouldn't have to move away from my places, and so you won't go back there, and won't be punished. Anyway I hope you'll forget it. Your gift I want to give to you at 09:09, 090909, but I miss the chance. Sorry!

I know you're happy today, I hear your laughing sound, see your smiling face, so I have a good mood too, but really sleepy now... I'm tired now and can't phone you cause my phone has out of credit. I thanks, really wanna thanks your mum to give birth you. It was a meaningful date for today, cause your brilliant mum born you for me to love... Maybe she knew that I'll love you the most when she give birth... And I won't let her disappointed!

You know? Today eraly period, your face looks sleepy and I didn't hear of your sound, I very scare... I keep on asked myself where's my guinuine babie, is that mine? Finally I give you the present and your face changed. Then I told myself, my true babie is here. Today, your kiss will be in my heart and brain, it will always flows in my blood with plasma, forever and ever! I love you! Loneliness will never be the friend of you! I'm here with you!

By WK Sept 09''







柔和的气氛配上my heart will go on






forever love~

by~l0v3 打稿于:9月6日凌晨1点

I Can't Sleep

I can't sleep,
Even I'm very tired!
What's the matter?
I don't know it also...

What's the time now?
Everyone is sleeping
I'm thinking, designing, creating
What I would like to give you on your birthday
You've been so good to me
And now my present must have to make you very happy
But I don't know
Don't know what to buy
Which cheap and can show the feeling in my heart
Because you really know that what I need everytime
Excellent girlfriend with excellent observation...

I know I made your mood not good today
Maybe said something wrong at wrong time
But I know that you will belive in me
You forget it very soon,
Still remember?
The bees also wanna get our honey today
So I promise you and to myself
I must give you more and more confidence to me
I must know you until inside your heart
Won't let me be read wrong message in your heart...

No another CC in this world
You're the only love can be in my heart
I can't get you out of my head,
As long as you're here with me.....

By WK Sept 09''


Actually I told you that I've no preesure in my house, my parents didn't give so much presure to me. No excess overwhealming force in my house, yes! It's true for now! By it's forces to push me in my heart. Actually I didn't tell peoples that I have a story that changed my life. Before that my parents wasn't so belive in me as now. Now I want to share it to all the peoples, hope you all think wisely before do anyting. Why sometimes I can very come over in my essay when I write about my parents, becuause I love them. They're the best dad and mum for me in the world!

Last time, my life is nothing except for online games, I can played for 1 day 14 hours with a few breaks, when I started to indulge in the online games? The answer is when I was very active in my co-curicular activities. When I was active, my preesure in uniform body was too large for me, and on that my relationship between my family and I were getting further and further, my temper is as bad as I can't describe.

After I started to play the online games, I feel there's so free inside the games, I make friends and spend almost my 40% of time for a day to play the games, leveling was sometimes very excited, but look back on it from here, I was stupid last time, but I don't angry at the company or what else people that design the games to addicted so many peoples in the world, sometimes we can read the news that teenagers kill self because playing too much games or what else. I should have to thanks the company which design the games cause they're creative and can make stupid peoples addicted with their games, and sometimes the players put cash on it. That's the way to earn money!

I still remember, once I woke up very early at 6am to play that online game, when my father woke up he saw that I was playing and scolded me but I ignored him. I still remember that after that I have a tuition, my tuition started at 9am, and that is the exam week, I didn't study anything at all. After I came back from my tuition I turned on my computer again, my mum keep on scolded me and I was very angry on that because I really no mood to study anything, and after she scolded me my mood was getting worse. Then, my dad continued scolded me and I feel angry and shouted at them, "Today onwards, I won't play online games!" And I mostly throwed my moniter but finally I don't.

Maybe it was just small incident for others, but after that I feel myself was so stupid last time, I decide to abandon my way in my uniform body and also the online games. From that day onwards, no one will remind me to study when exam is soon. Friends, please don't always waste time on the lousy games, try to pull yourself out before you regret and don't let go any chance that can force you to make a higher desire. Remember Malaysia need us, maybe we can change the name for the country one day, maybe we can be the leaders of this country or maybe we can success to make our country as well as other countries. Politics need Chinese!

I still remember that my grandma told my dad before, "You should give what your children want, work as hard as you can, we have been so poor last time and don't let the children to experienced that their friends got the things they didn't have!". My grandma always told me many principal of life, maybe for others it's rubbish but for me it's a kind of force. Many of my relatives feel that I can scored straight A's in my PMR, even my parents didn't said anything on this exam before but I know they 100% hope that I can score straight A's, and also my granma, my cousins that already married, that working in other country and one more pressure come from myself. I will study as hard as I can and give it to my families aspecially my grandmother. She told me a lot of her stoies when she was small, when she was a teenagers, when she was working in a rubber estate.

Lastly, I'll give my babie's parents the best impressions about me, let them know their daughter's boyfriend isn't a normal human. He is the one can take care of so much people and give the best warm and sweet to his girfriend.

By WK Sept 09''


today got free show in my class,it's a show that may make you anger~
there were 5 directors and 2 actors.The male title role was quiet all along the show except for:"you got ruler or not?"while the female title role was annoying until she said:"any cool water for me?"

i was speechless and mad after i saw this show.i wonder:do they really love each other?maybe wk really care me too well until i feel that they don't look like lovers.but through my heart,a pair should not be like that.

i am so glad that my dear really suit me well and i can say:there is no another wk in this world and i will only love the wk i met in jit sin when i m 15 years old~

theng,+u!we will support you~all the times~

by~l0v3 '09

Busy but Happy

Yesterday, I haven't open my computer until 11pm I touch my computer for 5 minutes, checking mails, searching for the main news.... but nothing special. I have study contineuosly 6 hours until my back and neck very pain going to become a plant. Fortunately today exam, if not I'm going to swallow my book without you.

This morning when I see you, I pretent not to see you, I know you'll come and give me a shock so I can have some warm. Finally the things I expected happened, you hold my back happily and your happiness and warm transfered into my blood don't know through which part of body, I searh for encyclopedia but can't find out how is the warm and happiness is transfered. You know? When you hold me I fell that the world are suddenly become bigger and bigger, my life suddenlly full of happiness, the bored feeling that trapped in my heart for one week has released into the atmosphere and make me want to kiss you and tell the world you're mine.

I want to answer you that "me too, very happy!" Really can't describe what I feel in my heart now and just know in school also, I feel like very warm the feeling when you're in my embrace and you hold my hands. The ink you've wrote on my hands haven't gone out, but I think it'll gone on tomorror morning. Nevermind, you're always here. Je't aime.

By WK Sept 09''

a second without you

holiday past
review back
i seems did nothing
every day wake up until sleep time
i am waiting for ur call or message
every moment
my mine full of you
i hold my phone
type a long and lovly message but i cannot send
keep it in my draft and update everyday
finally i feel
i cannot lost you
even though it is just a second
i wish to see you
i wish to hear you
and i wish to be with you
all the time……

love you~my dear..

by~l0v3 30/08/'09

Boring Holidays

I watch out the sky through my window

Looking at the stars that are twinkling
Observing and searching which one represent me and you
Vivid imagination in my mind shows your laughing sound
Entirely thinking of you and you again....

Cautiously I close the window and
Chanting again and again that "I LOVE YOU"

I'm feeling boring with this holidays, nothing to do at home, and keep on raining... One thing that I can do is just studying and writing here. Miss you very much... From now, I have to wait more 104 hours to see you.

By WK Aug 09''

Warning: If I see anyone copy my verse, he/she will be sued and meet me at the court with my lawyer.
© 2009 WK's Site. All rights reserved.

Ex-health Minister Sacked from MCA

When I saw the news my heart showed some anger into my brain via my nervours system. Why was it happened? Because It's an incident that happened so long and he was just framed by people. Everyone knows clearly that he was framed! And that was his private life also. We have no right to say anything about it except his family.

Nothing wrong to sex with another girl in law, the laws doesn't said that minister can't have sex with other girl, anyway that's his family problem, he have to face his family and apologized to them. As a responsible minister, he had already resigned to keep our country for being shamed, but why he is being sacked by the ethnic Chinese party because of the sex tape which he was the main character?

That's all their problem. Not going to discuss about the sensitive topics. The things I wish to say is Malaysia! I just want to compare a small things that happen in Malaysia and also other country. Ok! Lets look. Now, look at our beloved country first, our Dr Chua resign because of the sex tape to ensure our country image doesn't spoilt but our ex-Prime Minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi doze when having a meeting, is that shameful? You know the answer right? In 16 February of this year, a Japan Financial Minister was resigned because he drunk after appering drunk at summit, Mr Nagakawa who enjoys drink resigned after that incident.

That's what happened in Malaysia, their face are as think as my dictionary.

By WK Aug 09''



其实有时人生难免经过一些困难,承受一些压力,但是这些都不是不好的现象。人类之所以能够进步是因为求上进的意志力而有时碰到这些压力,摩擦后得到的就是进步。大家有没有发觉到英文字的压力“Stressed",的字面倒反就是甜品“desserts”,得到一个句子“stressed is just a desserts if you reserve it”。证明很多压力是要自己去面对,好好去享受所谓的压力,才能得到进步,人生就是这样才会精彩,一部戏周而复始,每集做的都是一样的,有人会想去看吗?人家看了还会继续吗?


Bill Gates说世界上没有所谓的公平。对!就是没有公平,就是因为一个人心里觉得没有公平这个东西他才会自己去争取自己要的东西,做生意没有对和错,没有人会去理你用什么手段,只要赚到钱就是了!所以我才会说,买毒品的人是聪明的,吃毒品的人是笨的!公平?马来西亚有吗?有哪个个地方找得到?林冠英先生说中央政府不要拨款发展建筑,我们靠自己!各位,拍戏不是要别人帮的,靠自己吧!

By WK Aug 09''


tis blog may cause annoying,crying,laughing,flying and so on.EQ low de people please don't read~



不晓得你有没有影像,去年form2有一个mini sketch competition,那时的我贪好玩,就自动参与了~他样子长得好看,费劲唇舌让他参与我们,还给了他一个王子的位。起初的公主不是我,但命运在最终竟把我摆在那个位子。一段情就从一首《暧昧》开始了。开始的时候真的很好,人家都说很登对,她唱歌不好听,但我很乐意静静聆听;他笑声很不礼貌,但我却喜欢他那放肆的笑。最吸引我的是,他那单纯到不能再单纯的个性~一份纯纯的爱,你能想象哪有多美妙吗?可是他很呆,往往抓不到我要的是什么,而且他不善于表达自己。才短短的1个月,我们就完蛋了~微微的痛,但是我没哭,一滴眼泪都没有~在那之后,我经常会回想起mini sketch的那段时光。因为那是我和他共同拥有最美好的回忆。而我相信,这也将会是他毕生难忘的事情。你知道吗?今年的他改变了许多,与去年完全是个天渊之别~年头时她告诉贵卿:“你有没有发现CC越来越hiao了?”贵卿告诉我的时候,眼泪马上哗啦啦的掉了下来。对于很少接受到批评的我来说,他说这句话,就好像有几百把刀捅入我的心一样。可是我知道,他不会记住他说过的话,所以就算我去问他,也不会问出个所以然来。我就静静的独自痛了几个月。过后愕然发现,自己怎么看自己才是最重要的~我又从新振作了起来^^而在那时候,我也决定放下一切……

好了,故事说完了。然后就有一个叫黄伟庆的家伙不知好歹的闯入了我的世界。刚开始换位时,我还在想:咳哟~死了啦,老师怎么做这种安排?我不会跟这个人沟通TT~接下来的日子铁定闷死了……完了~完了~谁知?相处得不错嘛……hiak hiak hiak...老师总爱说你一表人才,而换位前我已发现你的野心很强,说什么要拿第一名的东西~换位之后,我就觉得,或许这个爱读书的人可以推动我努力吞书。怎么知道,你中了她的迷魂计。。sweat~变得“无心向学”而且你写的东西超“灰”的。你知道有人怎么称你的blog吗?『灰色地带』好听咩?那时的我很同情你,那么的痴心,却那么的痛苦。每每你的blog我都会去看,每看一篇,为你痛一遍~之后你写了那篇《放得下》,那时我在学校MCC,我的心情很不好,因为要留校活动。但是我看了那篇东西之后我很开心,我松了一口气,开怀地笑了~我不是在开心我有机会,而是开心你愿意给自己一个”重生“的机会~那一天,我连步操中被骂都会笑^^

你知道吗?我跟你真的很有缘分。注意一些小细节,我发现到很多东西我们的都很配,要不就是一个很大的反差~好笑……好了啦,写了这么多,手都酸了。其实,在这么多的“历史人物”中,你是最棒的那个。绝无虚言哦!管家小姐(贵卿)作证~就像你之前告诉我的,”don't think of nonsence"我现在要跟你说会同样的话,而你一样要办到!历史,就让它过去吧!过去不管发生什么事,一个人承受的也够了。记住,未来不管遇到什么难,我都愿意守候在你身边,陪你度过一年四季的风风雨雨。我的心,我的灵魂,一年31,536,000秒为你而跳,为你而活~


By~a light-year of love '09


Yesterday I want to write something about you but I wrote nonsense there, no energy to write anything, but I suddenly feel wan to write many many things when I asked you something, you told me what's your feeling on me. And I wrote so many honestly to you, I really hope that you'll not thinking nonsense but you told me you've know all of it this morning. I felt happy on it! Not going to show off what I've wrote.

Maybe you've knew it from others... I don't care you knew it from who, don't care what other people say, what I care is weather you trust me. And finally the answer float on my mind "YES"!

You make my mood so happy today when I wake up from a nap. Still remember? That day you draw something on my hand, that drawing appear until the next morning, it was gone on next morning but it has already implanted on my heart, trasported with my blood into my heart. I'm going for the National Geography Channel to tell them that there's one more function in my blood. My blood can transfer message from drawing into the three words into my heart. I think this time there's not wrong! I found someone suit me very well! You threat me very good and some part of heart is already in your body. I love you!

By WK Aug 09''

Happy Holiday

Actually now felling like can write anything now. My energy has been used up this morning to write my Malay and Chinese essay. One thing to say, I write about my mum again in the essay.

I feel very boring today for whole day already, from just know you leave school, I don't know what to do until now I'm typing. I also don't know what should I type now... And I'm not going to describe what I did for whole day because it will make reader boring and feel that my blogs are lousy. Just to tell that something funny happened today evening with my friend.

Until now, 7 hours or more I didn't see you, I'm missing you very much even I'm texting with you currently. I can't imagine that what will happen to my when I miss you very very much in holidays, cry like a cat as SuAnn? or Cry Silently as Shayn Ward? or torture myself with history and geography text book?

I'm not going to write so much sweet sweet word here cause I heard someone said that very geli.... Actually now only I know so many people are watching my blogs, anyway... Thanks for your'll support!!!

Lastly, happy holiday to you all, especially my cute babie! Love you! Hope everyone be blessed with good health and good result...

By WK Aug 09''

Au fil du temps,
Je me rends bien une chose,
c'est ...
Je ne peux pas vivre sans toi dans ma vie.


As time goes by, I realize a thing, that's... I can't live without you in my life.

Last time I wasn't like that, you know? Today I felt very unusual to sit there without you, even another people talked with me there I still felt very unusual cause I didn't hear your voice, I didn't see your face.

Today I brought phone to school was just because I knew that when I missed you very much, I I still can comunicate with you in school. And I really want to see your face. Just one day in school I didn't see you make me felt like this, I can't imagine how will I when I didn't see you for the holidays on next week.

I'm going to have a rest now, really no mood to study now. Maybe later when I have my mood I'l study, don't worry!!

Tell you something, if the god give me to choose a speacial power or skill, I'm going to tell him I want to let you see through my eyes, you know why??
I want to show you that how special are you to me through my eyes.

By WK Aug 09''

You Raise Me Up

When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary;
When troubles come and my heart burdened be;
Then, I am still and wait here in the silence,
Until you come and sit awhile with me.

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up... To more than I can be.

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up... To more than I can be.

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up... To more than I can be.

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up... To more than I can be.

You raise me up... To more than I can be.

By WK Aug 09''

The Day I Can't See You

This morning when I woke up, you know what is the first thing I wish to do? I wish to see you. But I know today I can’t see you because it’s Saturday. When I saw the message you sent I was very happy, at least you also think of me although you’re in school.

Actually my mood for today is not so well. I’m having sore throat, flu and a lot of wok waiting for me to do. I feel pressure on it but I still have you. I don’t know how I feel today actually, I didn’t see you and didn’t have mood to do anything, just wish to sleep for whole day. And I just want to say that I’ll take care of myself very well, I won’t let myself sick, because you threat me too good.

I think I’ve no chance for me to find another girl, because suddenly I really feel that you are a very important person in my life, you’re always reading my mind, many things I didn’t say it with my mouth but you know, you know what I am thinking. I can’t lose you! I love you babie!

By WK Aug 09''